A district 9 school #comehometodistrict9
I.S. 219
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
1. How much is Senior dues and when can we pay?
· $85 = Senior T-shirt, Senior Picture, Yearbook, Diploma Cover, Cap and Gown
· If you didn't pay the sitting fee, there is no picture package and $35 will be deducted from the total Senior Dues. So your package will be $50 minus the senior picture.
· You can pay with money order or cash on June 19th, 2020
At 3539 Third Ave, BX, NY 10456 ONLY to Ms. Aponte or Mr. DeJesus
From 10am to 12pm
2. When is the distribution of Cap and Gowns?
· On June 19th.
· Address: 3539 Third Ave, Bronx, NY 10456. Next to Kings Deli.
3. GRADUATION: Will be virtual on June 22nd 2020 at 4pm on Google meet the link will be sent on Friday June 19th.
4. When is the last day of school? June 26, 2020
5. When will report cards will be distributed? June 26, 2020 via email
6. How can I find out what High School my child will be going to in September?
· If you have any further questions you can email Mrs. Fouchecourt at: mfouchecourt@cs219.org
7. Is there summer school?
· Yes, there is summer school for invited students only it will be from July 6th to August 11th - Monday – Thursday
8. What grades will the students receive in their final report card?
· MT – Meeting Standards
· N – Needs Improvements
· NX – Course in Progress
9. How can I get help from Children’s Aid?
· Director of Children’s Aid: Jose Hernandez: jhernandez@cs219.org